Command Syntax Key The following syntax key describes how each notation in a command's syntax is to be used. Feel free to reference this as we walk through the three examples below the table. Command Syntax Reference Table Notation Meaning Bold Bold items must typed exactly as they are shown, this includes any bold words, slashes, colons, etc. Italic Italic items are items that you must supply. Do not take an italic item literally and use it in the command as shown. S p a c e s All spaces should be taken literally. If a command's syntax has space, use that space when executing the command. [Text inside brackets] Any items inside a bracket are optional. Brackets are not to be taken literally so don't use them when executing a command. Text outside brackets Any text not contained in a bracket is required. In the syntax of many commands, the only text not surrounded by one or more brackets is the command name itself. {Text inside braces} The items within a brace are options, of which you must choose only one. Braces are not to be taken literally so don't use them when executing a command. Vertical | bar Vertical bars are used to separate items within brackets and braces. Do not take vertical bars literally - do not use them when executing commands. Ellipsis ... An ellipsis means that an item can be repeated indefinitely. Do not type ellipsis literally when executing a command and take care to use spaces and other required items as shown when repeating items. |