
++explicit: あいまいな単語を使わず、疑問の残らないくらいに精密に書く stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.(x:improved performance, o:reduces waiting time)
++specific: 具体的に書く。つまり言葉・コンセプト・数字を明確に(x: assistance, o:assistance in testing the device)
++concisely: 簡潔に書く(in order to->to, it is apparent that->apparently, We newly developed->We developed)
++名詞を特定する形容詞はなるべく削る(An x-ray imaging process was...This x-ray process...->後のx-rayはいらない)
++There isと従属節と名詞系+ofは使わない(There were several interesting findings including...->Interesting findings included)
++do, perform, makeは直接その動作を表す動詞を使う(performed temperature measurement->measured temperature, make an analysis->analyze)


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