A chairとa facilitatorの違いは?
chair というのは雇用者の立場であることが多い。こういうひとがfacilitatorだと、正直な意見を述べられなくなる。

*仕事 [#ub264db0]
-Brainstorm ideas
Make a decision
Decie on a plan 
Create future actions

*良い視界になるために [#w3cd8fa5]

time management
keeps focused or on topic 
able to interrupt politely 
able to redirect politely
limits dead time (no one speak, ちゃんとuse first name, よーすけ、このアイディアは好き?という誘導尋問はだめ)
sets clear objectives
able to summarize members opinions well
able to summarize kye points decisions made and future actions
clarifies and checks all members for understanding
allows everyones to speak
able to get opinions from all members
encourages participation
directs questions to participants by using names
Uses open-ended questions to generate discussion
promotes a positive atmosphere
sometimes may need to play devils advocate((議論や提案の妥当性を試すために)わざと反対意見を述べる人)
どうやって決めるかを決める vote, blind vote, everybody's concensuss
Avoid negative words

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